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So, you want to become a solo singer/guitarist/performer. Welcome to my "How to" blog!


And, as it is my basic purpose to not only perform my art, but also to help others along this line, I want to share what I have learned along the way. My story, my path, is unique - as will be yours. I have some things to say about it that you may find helpful in your own aspirations to become a solo performer. As I am a singer/guitarist, that is what I know best, and that is what I will talk about. Although, you may find there are basic principles that apply across the genres and art forms.

I believe we are in a modern day Renaissance. And, with the internet, we have a communication line that can convey our messages instantly all over the globe. We even have a way to translate what we do into all the languages of Earth. Wow! It's like a global library that has every resource you may need or want right at your fingertips!

This blog is going to be multi-media. I will link you to things that are useful and fun and interesting. Hopefully, I can help you to reduce the time in searching, and in trial-and-error. I will, whenever I can, refer you to the best teachers and resources on-line that I have found. No need to re-invent the wheel if it's working!

This blog is going to be positive and uplifting and helpful. It is not going to be open to comments by the critic, the naysayer, or the cynic. No such opinion will make it to my published pages. I will weed them out and discard them to the trash bin where they belong. And, I will not even read them if I get even one inkling that they are an attempt to reduce or denigrate me or my art.

That said, I welcome all positive, nice comments and opinion and helpful suggestions that could add richness to my blog content. And, I especially want to hear back from you if I've helped you in any way. I will include these in my blog whenever I see that they will fit in. Just use my website email on my Contact Page. You can email photos and videos, or include links for Google Drive or Dropbox, and I will check them out and perhaps include them in my blog or put them on my website.

If you need help with something in particular, ask me. I will do something.

Looking forward to sharing, and rising upward, and reaching ever-further outward to new horizons!

Much admiration to you, my fellow artists and friends,


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